The Life of Sarah Brewer

Growing Up

I was born in London, England back in 2002. I have two older sisters who are twins and they are my best friends. Even though they were two years older we did everything together and my mom made sure I was always allowed to be in their group for clubs, camps, and sports.
My favorite example of this is the motocross camp we used to attend.

This photo was taken from the District 14 website.

I chose to include this picture to help describe what motocross is. From the ages of 6-13 my sisters and I would spend our summers at our motocross camp. In my mom's fashion, she made sure I was in the group with the older kids. The issue with this, though, is that the older kids were taller and bigger so they were allowed to ride the bigger bikes while I had to use the child's bike. The difference in size of the machines was considerable and they were different colors. This upset me because it made the difference in our ages so obvious. Looking back on it now I realize how silly it was, because there really is a difference in our ages and that doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Facts about Sarah and her sisters

Pictured above is Sarah (left) and her two sisters after getting their yellow belts for Taekwondo

Sarah and her sisters's favorite places to eat in Princeton

  1. Olives
  2. Tacoria
  3. Ticos
  4. Agricola
  5. Witherspoon Grill

Sarah and her sisters's favorite song

Wake me up when September ends by Green Day.

This sound file came from my iTunes

Click on the doggy for surprise!

This photo came from The Guardian

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